
Riparian forest in northern Mexico

This land and water preservationist is a ‘force of nature’ in northern Mexico


Valer Clark has dedicated herself to finding ways to restore and maintain lands that have dried up in northern Mexico and the southwestern US since the 1970s when she purchased properties in the region.

Desert Planes and Automobiles

Arts, Culture & Media
An artist’'s rendering of a full-scale commercial low-input desert agriculture facility. Project’s designers say the concept should work in any low-altitude desert area near a large source of salt water.

Desert lunch: Coaxing climate-friendly food from the world’s driest places

The World


Fog Garden

Desertification: A Walk Through West Africa

Each year, the world loses more grasslands, croplands and even forests to encroaching deserts. Desertification threatens one-third of the earth’s land area, and a billion people in the world’s poorer, arid regions. Patrick Gonzalez had a first- hand look at desertification during a five year stay in West Africa. Currently he works for the U.S. […]

The World

The West Texas Drought: Praying for Rain

New deserts are emerging among the southwestern United States and Mexico on land where drought and soil erosion are combining to make a hostile land much more so. Sandy Tolan reports from the sand dunes and abandoned cropfields of Texas, and south of its border, on the troubled times of the drought of ’96. (This […]

Walking the Gobi

Love and laughter get this invincible pair across one of the world’s most inhospitable deserts.

The World

Cool Fix for a Hot Planet

Architects and Engineers have designed the modern world’s first carbon-neutral city, set to rise in the baking desert of Abu Dhabi.

The World

Desert Thirst

Las Vegas water officials want to tap the Great Basin to meet the city’s water needs.