
A man on a platform performs to a crowd of protestors

London protesters say climate change is bigger than Brexit

Climate Change

Environmental activists are demanding the UK government declare a climate and ecological emergency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025 and create a citizen’s assembly of members of the public to lead on decisions to address climate change.

Anti-government Russian demonstrators took to the streets in Decembe, 2011, increasing pressure on Vladimir Putin as he sought a new term as Russian president. The placard reads "Get tired! Leave!"

Putin’s Cold War mentality explains a lot

A Russian court ruled on Tuesday to give Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny (right) a suspended sentence for embezzling money, but jailed his brother Oleg (left) for three and a half years in a case seen as part of a campaign to stifle dissent.

Russian dissident Alexei Navalny avoids jail, but his brother becomes a bargaining chip

Rasha Abdulla overlooking Tahrir Square just hours before Hosni Mubarak stepped down from power.

Egypt’s social media activists cannot depend solely on Twitter, Facebook
