
Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech during the event marking the 100th anniversary of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of Russian Armed Forces, formerly known as the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU), in Mosco

Russian hackers: GRU’s Sandworm unit members indicted by US


Cybersecurity expert tells The World host Marco Werman that “these are hackers who are responsible for an incredible rampage across the internet over the last five years.”

Trees in the Amazon on fire.

Are the Amazon fires a crime against humanity?

When a rape isn’t a rape: FBI statistics ignore many cities’ rapes

Global Politics
A Ferguson Police officer drives past a mural in Ferguson, Missouri, on March 12, 2015.

‘It’s better to be in the company of seven devils than one policeman’

A man believed to be Bowe Bergdahl is pictured in a frame grab from a video released by the Taliban. The image was released by IntelCenter on Dec. 8, 2010.

From the Revolution to Bowe Bergdahl, desertion has a long history in the US

A woman holds a sign during a demonstration organised by anti-immigration group PEGIDA, a German abbreviation for "Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West", in Dresden December 22, 2014.

Why other European cities might be frightened by the events in France this week

Global Politics

From the massacre at the Charlie Hebdo offices to the bloody end of a nationwide manhunt, events in France this week have laid bare the fault lines with, and within, the country’s Muslim population. That tension extends far beyond France’s borders, and into almost every other European country.

Men sit near a dead body wrapped in white after what activists said was a barrel bomb was dropped by forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Aleppo on October 1, 2014.

Photos of death and torture in Syria echo past horrors at the Holocaust Museum


Tens of thousands of images showing tortured and emaciated bodies were smuggled out of Syria by a former government photographer nicknamed “Caesar.” Now some of the photos are being displayed at the US Holocaust Museum as a reminder of the ongoing threat of organized genocide.

The World

Immigration Policies Past and Future

Conflict & Justice

More unauthorized immigrants have been deported from the United States since 2008 than in any another two-year period in the country’s history. Just this past Saturday, the so-called Dream Act, which would have offered a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants who came here as minors, was stalled in the Senate over a vote […]

Seized elephant tusks

One group hopes to end poaching, WikiLeaks-style


A new website called WildLeaks is hoping to do for poaching and wildlife crimes what WikiLeaks did for national security. And after just four months, the portal for anonymous information is already producing results.A new website called WildLeaks is hoping to do for poaching and wildlife crimes what WikiLeaks did for national security. And after just four months, the portal for anonymous information is already producing results.

Domitilla Mukantagwanza

Part IV: Little justice for Rwanda’s rape victims yet

Conflict & Justice

A decade ago, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda ruled that rape can constitute a crime of genocide, but most of Rwanda’s rape survivors still haven’t seen justice in any court.