Coral bleaching

Diver with corals

Transplanting resilient corals may help them survive climate change

Climate Change

Warmer ocean temperatures, ocean acidification and poor water quality combine to make a toxic environment for most corals around the world. But some corals are actually thriving despite these challenges and scientists hope to propagate these resilient corals to give struggling reefs a leg up.

Elkhorn coral is one of the main varieties of coral that workers on the northern coast of Puerto Rico have been able to restore following damage done by Hurricane Maria in 2017.

Local NGOs repair Puerto Rico’s coral reefs in Maria’s aftermath

Coral is seen bleached white against the dark blue ocean.

Australia announces $379 million funding for Great Barrier Reef

A man snorkels in an area called the "Coral Gardens" near Lady Elliot Island, on the Great Barrier Reef

A successful coral transplant gives scientists hope for the Great Barrier Reef


New research points to big changes, not necessarily disappearance, for coral reefs


A Bright Spot for Coral Reefs

World wide, coral reefs are dying off at an alarming rate but researchers at Stanford University have found a population of coral that are thriving in high ocean temperatures that would normally kill them.

Ocean Extinction Trend

Increased atmospheric carbon is causing a “Deadly Trio” in the world’s oceans. The trifecta of global warming, ocean acidification, and deoxygenation has been associated with all 5 major extinction events in paleontological history.