
Stop-and-frisk policy not unique to New York

Global Politics

New York City’s stop-and-frisk practice was declared unconstitutional by a federal judge Monday. The city’s leadership claimed the policy, a violation of the fourth amendment preventing unreasonable search and seizure, was a success in reducing crime.

NCAA Tournament 2012: Top seeds, Ohio teams big winners going into Sweet Sixteen

Arts, Culture & Media

Lead and violent crime

Health & Medicine

Cincinnati Engineer Sued for Tweet: Do You Fact Check your Tweets?

The World

Lead and Violent Crime

The World

The National

Arts, Culture & Media

Brooklyn-based rock group The National perform music from their latest album, “Boxer.”

The World

The National

Arts, Culture & Media

Brooklyn-based rock group The National perform music from their latest album, “Boxer,” live in the Fair Game studios.

The World

The National

Arts, Culture & Media

Brooklyn-based rock group The National perform music from their latest album, “Boxer,” live in the Fair Game studios.