
A paper sign is taped on top of a KFC ad telling customers that the restaurant is closed.

Hundreds of British KFC stores have to close — after they run out of chicken

Most of the chain’s 900-some UK stores are closed after a new supplier couldn’t deliver chicken to stores


Journalist Maryn McKenna on the rise of ‘Big Chicken’ — and our current antibiotic crisis

A McDonald's 10 piece chicken McNuggets.

Is it a good thing that McDonald’s plans to limit its use of antibiotics in chicken?


When it comes to food, there’s no end to this debate. Does it go in the fridge or on the counter?

Red jungle fowl

Scientists pinpoint the origins of human influence on everything from chickens to chili peppers

Red jungle fowl

Scientists pinpoint the origins of human influence on everything from chickens to chili peppers


How did the wild red jungle fowl become the modern-day chicken? Why did our human ancestors choose to domesticate this odd bird? When and where did it first happen? And what does any of this have to do with a chili pepper? Scientists are teaming up to answer these questions, with big hopes for impact on the future.

In Kenya, urban farming changing families’ reality

Livestock and cities don’t often go together. Derided as causing diseases, or car accidents, there are often rules against keeping them in urban areas. But there’s a movement to allow urban farming and it’s changing lives in one African city in Kenya.

Farming Livestock in African Slums

Arts, Culture & Media

In the crowded slums of sub-Saharan Africa, some residents are raising livestock. By farming chickens, rabbits, and goats, these urban farmers feed their families and can make a good income.

Study Raises Concern About Chicken

A new study by Consumer Reports magazine finds 83 percent of the 525 chickens it purchased nationwide contained bacteria that cause food-borne illnesses. A similar study three years ago found just 49 percent were infected with the bacteria Campylobacter a

The World

Pasture Raised Chickens

In the United States, the average American consumes an average 90 pounds of chicken each year. Millions of chickens are raised and slaughtered every few weeks. Most of them are caged for all of their short lives in giant hen houses and then killed on assembly lines. But a small but growing number of farmers […]