Chernobyl disaster

This image made from a video released by Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant shows bright flaring object landing in grounds of the nuclear plant in Enerhodar, Ukraine

A Ukrainian nuclear plant survived Russian attack. But it raises security concerns over reactors in war zones, analyst says.


Atomic safety experts say that a war fought amid nuclear reactors represents an unprecedented and highly dangerous situation. Henry Sokolski, the executive director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, talked with The World’s Carol Hills about the risks.

chernobyl in ukraine

Chernobyl has become a refuge for wildlife 33 years after the nuclear accident

A man in shorts and a baseball hat stands next to construction workers covered in soot.

HBO’s ‘Chernobyl’ revisits nuclear catastrophe with a nod to climate change

and old woman in a field

Despite the risks, holdouts refuse to abandon Ukraine’s radiation hotspots

Moose in the Exclusion Zone

Wildlife in Chernobyl is thriving 30 years after the nuclear accident

A commute in Thailand

This is what commuting looks like in Turkey, Brazil, Thailand and Tokyo

Global Scan

Commuting is never fun, but sometimes it can be beautiful. These short videos show the beauty of some commutes in different parts of the world. That story and more in today’s Global Scan.

Big plastic bags containing radiated soil, leaves and debris are dumped at a tennis court at a sports park near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant

A reporter covering the Fukushima nuclear meltdown actually lived through Chernobyl

Health & Medicine

There’s been no end to the ongoing disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. And Yuriy Humber has a unique perspective. He’s been reporting on the Fukushima meltdown for Bloomberg News in Tokyo and also lived through the Chernobyl disaster.

Sunflowers used to clean up radiation


Scientists have discovered that sunflowers can pull radioactive contaminants out of the soil, and researchers cleaning up the Fukushima site in Japan are putting the flowers to the test.

The World

Radiation, Risk and the “Linear No-Threshold” Model


Earlier this month I posted about the longstanding debate over the ultimate death toll from the Chernobyl accident, and a new look at the data by a Union of Concerned Scientist physicist. Lisbeth Gronlund pored through scattered and hard-to-find data on the distribution of fallout from Chernobyl, crunched the numbers based on a statistical model […]

The World

Chernobyl cancer study surpasses UN estimates

Arts, Culture & Media

Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with physicist Lisbeth Gronlund of the Union of Concerned Scientists about her new study on the likely number of cancer deaths caused by Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.