
New Pope Francis gets less than warm greeting from Venezuela

Lifestyle & Belief

Former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had a bristly relationship with the institutional Catholic Church in Rome, and in Caracas. So, while much of Latin America has been celebrating a South American being installed as Pope Francis, reaction in Venezuela has been muted.

Chavez vows deeper socialist revolution after winning third term

Global Politics

Hugo Chavez and the Vatican

Global Politics

Late Hugo Chavez Dominates Venezuela Snap Election

Global Politics

Author Rory Carroll Reflects on Hugo Chavez’s Political Rule in ‘Comandante’

Arts, Culture & Media

Venezuela Announces Return of Ailing Hugo Chavez

Global Politics

The government of Venezuela says ailing president Hugo Chavez has returned to his country from Cuba. Anchor Katy Clark speaks with blogger Francisco Toro sabout what the return could mean for Venezuela.

In Venezuela, Concern for the Health of President Hugo Chavez and Questions About Succession

Global Politics

In Caracas, Venezuela, there is growing concern for the health of President Hugo Chavez who is reportedly experiencing serious breathing difficulties in a hospital in Havana, Cuba, where he has been undergoing surgeries and treatment for cancer.

As Hugo Chavez Undergoes Cancer Surgery, talks of Succession in Venezuela

Global Politics

Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez underwent cancer surgery Tuesday in Cuba. Over the weekend, he designated his current vice-president, Nicolas Maduro, as his successor.

Home of César Chávez Now a National Monument

Today the home of César Chávez will be a designated a “national monument” by President Obama. He’s in California for obvious reasons, but his itinerary takes him to a place called La Paz, which is where Chavez helped organize growers under the United Farm Workers movement. And it’s where his body was laid to rest […]

The World

What a Chavez Re-Election Means for the US

Global Politics

Hugo Chavez has not had the best of relations with the US. He has aligned himself with American adversaries including Cuba, Syria and Iran. What does Chavez’ next term mean for US-Venezuelan relations?