
Customers at Bicentenario supermarket in Caracas

Want to buy toilet paper? In Venezuela, that will require your fingerprints

Global Scan

Venezuelans are being told the government’s latest plan to get the country’s shortages in order will involve being fingerprinted every time they go to a grocery store. Meanwhile it’s meat not purchased at a grocery store that has US health officials concerned. Those stories in tonight’s Global Scan.

Fruit bats are seen for sale at a food market in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.

As the Ebola crisis rages, West African villagers are warned away from fruit bats


Bushmeat black market thrives in Paris

Arts, Culture & Media

Bushmeat market in Ecuador rainforest


Eating Apes

A Life With Chimps

Africa’s bushmeat trade has claimed thousands of chimpanzees over the years, and left thousands more captive or orphaned. Sheila Siddle runs the largest chimpanzee refuge in the world, and is author of “In My Family Tree: A Life with Chimpanzees.” She talks with host Diane Toomey about her efforts to save and rehabilitate the chimps […]

Threat to Gorillas

Our closest primate relatives the apes are headed for extinction — and being hunted for their meat is the most immediate threat to ape survival. Conservation ecologist Dr. David Wilkie talks with host Laura Knoy about the “bush meat” trade.