Brad Pitt

Five Things You Had to See Online This Week

Arts, Culture & Media

NASA launches a SoundCloud, Sleater-Kinney sets the stage for a comeback, and “Bradley Pitts” sits “Between Two Ferns.”

Quentin Tarantino

Arts, Culture & Media

New Movie Releases: ‘Killing Them Softly,’ ‘Anna Karenina’

The World

Angelina Jolie

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

New movies: ‘Moneyball,’ ‘Dolphin Tale,’ ‘Abduction,’ ‘Killer Elite’

The World

The far-reaching influence of ‘Moneyball’


This weekend, a film adaptation of Michael Lewis’s book “Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game” is opening in theaters. Cory Schwartz, vice president of statistics for Major League Baseball Advanced Media, talks about the book’s enduring influence.

The World

Movies: ‘Green Lantern,’ ‘Mr. Popper’s Penguins,’ ‘Tree of Life’

Arts, Culture & Media

This weekend, movie goers have a wide range of options to choose from. Rafer Guzman and Kristen Meinzer voice their opinions. Rafer is a film critic for Newsday, and Kristen is a culture producer for the Takeaway.

The World

Green Living in New Orleans

The Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans was a wasteland after a levee breach sent a wall of water crashing through thousands of homes. Now the neighborhood has a promising sign of rebirth with a green housing project. Meet the Green family living in a green h

The World

Rebuilding It Right


In the Lower Ninth Ward, Melba Leggett lives in what she calls “the #4 Brad Pitt house.” In Gentilly, Ommeed Sathe says the community is hoping a strip mall will help bring back residents. And trumpeter Troy Sawyer describes how he ended up in the Habitat for Humanity Musicians’ Village. Produced by Eve Troeh.