
Wood scraps

The UK’s move away from coal means they’re burning wood from the US


Europe and the US say wood pellets are a carbon neutral alternative to coal. Many experts say otherwise.

The World

Science Note: A Plant With Oily Leaves

Bugs engineered to make biofuels


Fueling the food crisis

California’s low-carbon diet

The World

Science Note: A Plant With Oily Leaves

Writing in The Plant Cell, the journal of the American Society of Plant Biologists, researchers report that they have engineered a plant to produce oil in its leaves. They hope to increase biofuel production and create more nutritious animal feed.

Euro Trash Powers Sweden

Sweden’s successful waste-to-energy program converts household waste into energy for heating and electricity. But they’ve run into an unusual problem: there isn’t enough trash in the country to fuel the incinerators, so they’ve begun importing waste from European neighbors.

EPA Red Lights Palm Oil

The EPA says that palm oil is not environmentally clean enough to use as bio-diesel.

The World

The Future of Biofuels and the Weather

Farmers and scientists want to use new kinds of “energy crops,” such as switchgrass and miscanthus, to develop biofuels as the key to energy independence. But some researchers caution these plants could have profound changes on the weather.

The World

The Future of Biofuels and the Weather

Farmers and scientists are looking to use new kinds of energy crops, such as switchgrass and miscanthus, to develop biofuels as the key to energy independence. But some researchers say these plants could have profound changes on the weather.