
A photo of a tan beavor

Beavers bring rich biodiversity back to Devon, England


The Eurasion beaver, hunted to extinction in the UK by the early 16th century, is now back and helping to transform and heal the landscape.

North American beaver

‘Beaver Believers’ say dam-building creatures can make the American West lush again

An image of a Patagonia beaver taken from a video by Motherboard.

It’s open season on Patagonia’s voracious, disruptive … beavers?


Beavers are being looked at as little climate change fighting machines


After 500 or so years, beavers have mysteriously returned to England


After 500 or so years, beavers have mysteriously returned to England


Beavers were hunted to extinction hundreds of years ago in England. Now, they have shown up there — in the midst of a contentious debate over whether to reintroduce them in the wild.

The World

Great Blue Heron

Beaver ponds provide the perfect habitat for Great Blue Herons. The birds make their nests in trees that drowned after beavers dammed streams.

The World

Leave It to Beaver

The American Beaver is an agile engineer, and writer Mark Seth Lender applauds its skill.

Eager Beavers Engineer Ecosystems

Beavers were once considered pests, but now beaver believers are busy changing the rodents’ reputation.

Emerging Science Note/Beaver in the Bronx

The beaver returns to New York City after more than 200 years.