
giant red balloon dragon

How balloons gave a blind South Korean artist his life back

South Korean artist Goh Hong-seok is legally blind and by his own estimate has lost around 90 percent of his vision over the years. For Goh, balloons are not only a means to creatively express himself, but it was through this medium that he found purpose.

The view from 15,000 feet over the Pacific Ocean as seen from the Two Eagles Balloon flight deck.

A US-Russian pair is trying to smash the ‘holy grail’ of ballooning records


The Living on Earth Almanac

Almanac/Hot Air Balloon

The World

Emerging Science Note/Snow White

Almanac/Hot Air Balloon

This week, we have facts about hot air balloons. It was 293 years ago that the first prototype took off and set fire to the drapes in King John V’s chambers.

The World

Spaceship dad


One Brooklyn dad and his son went into space on their own. Luke Geissbuhler and his son, Max, built a makeshift spacecraft out of an iPhone 4, an HD camera, a takeout box and a weather balloon and launched it into space.

The World

Balloons and the ethics of hoaxing

Global Politics

Famous hoaxter Joey Skaggs has been pulling off hoaxes since the 1960s. He agrees that the Heene story feels like a scam and says it violates all the ethical rules of hoaxters.