
A concrete walkway has been paved on the Acropolis plateau in an effort to make the site more accessible. But critics say materials used would make it impossible to remove the pathway without damaging the ancient bedrock underneath.

‘They want to make the Acropolis into Disneyland.’ Site renovations face backlash. 


Greece says it wants to make the Acropolis more accessible. Critics say it’s turning the ancient site into Disneyland.

Greek dream-pop duo Keep Shelly in Athens. Producer RΠЯ (left) and vocalist Sarah P (right)

What’s next? US paralysis may be delaying tour of the Greek band Keep Shelly in Athens

Arts, Culture & Media

Greek Tourism in 108 Degrees


Protecting Greece Antiquities in Lean Times

Conflict & Justice

Details on the Greek Bailout

Rioting in Athens Follows Passage of Greek Austerity Measures

In the Greek capital of Athens the stench of tear gas reportedly still hangs in the in the air this morning. It follows a night of rioting after Greek lawmakers approved harsh new austerity measures demanded by bailout creditors to save the nation from bankruptcy. Many buildings were burned while dozens of stores and cafes […]

Greek Austerity Cause Riots and Unrest

In Greece the government has passed the latest austerity measures needed to avoid a default. But they are not accepted by the people. There is a real, boiling anger, a sense that they have been betrayed by their own leaders and by their supposed partners in the European Union. The question this morning is whether […]

The Snowflake That Started an Avalanche

“Greece is in a free fall,” Yanis Varoufakis says to me as we sit down for an interview at his apartment in Athens, and it sets the tone of the half-hour conversation that follows […]

Greek debt crisis worsens

While hundreds of world leaders are in New York this week at the United Nations, Greece’s prime minister, George Panpandreou will be conspicuously absent. Yanis Varoufakis, professor of economic theory at the University of Athens, has more.

Member of Greek Parliament Defends Defaulting

Angry protesters gathered in the streets of Athens yesterday, following a vote on austerity measures which the parliament backed with a vote of 155—138. Was any of this avoidable? Is it possible that Greece’s economy was undone by the structure of the Eurozone’s financial rules that demand strict fiscal requirements, but no political unanimity? We […]