
Paper Mulberry

Hayfever sufferers, be warned — avoid at all costs the allergy capital of the world

If you suffer from spring allergies, take heart that you aren’t in Islamabad, Pakistan, where pollen counts are some of the highest in the world. Reporter Bina Shah just visited the city and couldn’t wait to get out.

Paper Mulberry

Hayfever sufferers, be warned — avoid at all costs the allergy capital of the world

New peanut allergy tests points to great over-diagnosis in kids

Health & Medicine

Allergic reaction to climate change

Health & Medicine
The World

Emerging Science Note/Better Breathing Babies


Steve Curwood speaks with Susan Carol Hauser, author of the book titled Nature’s Revenge, for practical advice on avoiding, identifying and coping with outbreaks from contact with poison ivy.

All About Poison Ivy

Steve Curwood speaks with Susan Carol Hauser, author of the book titled Nature’s Revenge, for practical advice on avoiding, identifying and coping with outbreaks from contact with poison ivy.

Allergic Reaction to Climate Change

As temperatures rise, so do pollen counts and populations of stinging insects.

Allergic Reaction to Climate Change

As temperatures rise, so do pollen counts and populations of stinging insects.

Health Update

Diane Toomey reports on what the First National Allergen Survey found out about what’s crawling around in our beds.