Abraham Lincoln

Getting Lost with Hand Drawn Maps

Arts, Culture & Media

I like to collect old road maps, and when the need arises for me to draw a map for a visiting friend or relative, I’ll admit I fancy myself a pretty good cartographer. But sometimes I find myself the artist of a bizarrely scaled and oddly detailed map which names all the trees, statues, and […]

Oh Lincoln, My Lincoln

Arts, Culture & Media
The assassination of President Lincoln: at Ford's Theatre, Washington, DC, April 14th, 1865.

After Lincoln’s assassination, no one wanted to see the play he was watching — until now

The World

Why does America have a ‘special’ relationship with Liberia?

Union soldiers entrenched along the west bank of the Rappahannock River at Fredericksburg, Virginia.

How wars end part II: the American Civil War

Conflict & Justice

Congress, The President and War: A History

The War Powers Clause, Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution, grants Congress the power to declare war: “The Congress shall have power to…declare war; To raise and support armies…To provide and maintain a navy; To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces; To provide for calling forth the […]

Second inaugural addressess typically shorter, rarely well-remembered

Global Politics

Every four years, a president is sworn in to office in the United States. Traditionally, that person, delivers an address to the nation, laying out priorities for his term. But typically, when that president is doing so for the second time, it’s a shorter address.

American veteran of Spanish Civil War remembers life under suspicion of communism

Global Politics

98-year-old James Benet left the United States in his 20s to fight on the Republican side of the Spanish Civil War. The Republicans were backed not only by foreigners, like Benet, but also by Mexico and the Soviet Union. After his side lost, Benet came back to a United States where he was immediately viewed as a communist.

Bill O’Reilly’s take on the Lincoln assassination

Arts, Culture & Media

O’Reilly, who recently co-authored a new book on Abraham Lincoln, says the president’s assassination set America back a hundred years in race relations.

American Icons: Lincoln Memorial

Arts, Culture & Media

How the Lincoln Memorial became America’s soapbox and how it speaks to the better angels of our nature.