
Belgians, Flemish and Walloon Alike, Protest Against Their Country's Lack of a Federal Government

Worried about a US government shutdown? Take a cue from Belgium

Arts, Culture & Media

The US may be #1 in some areas, but it’s topped in at least one by tiny Belgium. Belgium may hold the record, at least for developed countries, for days without a government – at 589 days. And, that seems to work pretty well… for Belgians.

Does the New Lorax Speak for the Trees, or the SUVs?

Random House to Publish Seven Rare Dr. Seuss Stories

Smuggling drugs in submarines

Conflict & Justice

Living on Earth Almanac: The Lorax

The World

Life in the deep


The latest marine life census reads like something Disney or Dr. Seuss might imagine. The report describes some of the thousands of species that live in the depths of the ocean. Marco Werman talked with Jesse Ausubel of the Census of Marine Life project.

The World



When you’re in the supermarket or ordering fish at a restaurant, ever have trouble remembering which species has high mercury, which is overfished, and which is the most sustainable? Now, a new text messaging service can tell you everything you need to know, whether one fish, two fish, red fish or blue fish.