Madeleine Albright

A woman in a blue suit with a brooch holds her hands together looking at a crowd.

Madeleine Albright: ‘Globalization is not a four-letter word’

Foreign policy

Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright talks with The World’s Marco Werman about US President Donald Trump’s decision to suspend funding for the World Health Organization and the future of multilateral diplomacy. Albright’s latest memoir, “Hell and Other Destinations,” was released this week.

A close up of Putin looking at Trump

Russian conspiracy theories: How Kremlin-backed yarns help keep Vladimir Putin in power

Former US Secretary of State Madeline Albright

Madeleine Albright thinks it’s time to sound the alarm on fascism

Sanders supporter outside a polling station in Manchester, NH, on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016.

Just ’cause you’re a feminist doesn’t mean you’ll vote for a woman

Global Politics

Former Secretary of State Albright says U.S. must once again be a force for good in the world

Global Politics

Family Secrets: A Takeaway Listener’s Story

Last week, we talked with Madeleine Albright about her life, and her discovery in adulthood that she was Jewish.  We asked our listeners: have you ever discovered a secret about your family or identity? We received a lot of responses, including one from  Loren Levinson.  She was adopted when she was a baby and raised her whole life […]

Madeleine Albright on History, Identity and American Power

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has spent her career working on complicated issues of history, ethnic identity and governance, but she didn’t realize the complexity of her own identity until the age of 59. In 1997, as the Clinton Administration vetted then-Ambassador Albright for the Secretary of State position, Albright discovered that most of […]

Madeleine Albright Explores the American Relationship with China

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright faced a number of complex challenges throughout her State Department career. Secretary Albright took office in 1997, and devoted much of her tenure to fallout from the Cold War – particularly the wars in the Balkans – but she also managed the United States’ relationship with a rapidly-changing China […]

Madeleine Albright on the Holocaust and Foreign Policy

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright talks with host Marco Werman about her new book Prague Winter. Sec. Albright considers how her family’s loss during the Holocaust might impact her view on how and when to intervene in global conflicts.

The World

Bill Clinton in Pyongyang

Global Politics

Bill Clinton arrived in North Korea to negotiate for the release of two imprisoned American journalists. Sang-hun Choe of the New York Times and Jim Walsh, a professor at the MIT Security Studies Program, join The Takeaway with their thoughts.