There were many places in Europe, in southern France for example, that the only place you could find true love was in adultery, because marriage was such a mercenary institution. But then that all changed — and planted the seeds for same-sex marriage to eventually blossom.
Choose carefully. That’s what a a Cornell gerontologist says elderly women want younger women to know about love and marriage. Listen to what your friends say, and, as old-fashioned as this sounds, ask yourself: Is your partner a good “provider?”
Is love, romantic love, a universal emotion? In the West, it often seems we live, die and even kill for love. Love is passionate, foolish and cherished. But in many cultures, arranged marriages are the norm and romantic love is, well, disruptive. It turns out people across the globe feel romantic love, but they don’t necessarily act on it.
Some say science is taking the romance out of romantic love through brain research. Maybe so, but Esquire writer A.J. Jacobs says perhaps that’s what we need to find happiness. He’s all for rational romance, and offers some “rational” Valentines you can send to that special someone.