On average, coastal counties are growing three times faster than other areas, and the population pressures one sees in some place like Great Bay in New Hampshire are even more visible at the southern end of Cape Cod, Massachusetts at Waquoit Bay. Intense development upstream from Waquoit generates a daily tide of household wastewater that […]
Liz Lempert reports from the town of Westport, Massachusetts where Junior High school students have gotten involved with local bi-valves, and are trying to bring back the once-thriving scallops in this region. With a blend of awareness and activism, these students hope to help their community.
Many recent voter registration drives have been targeted specifically at young people, also known as “the youth vote”. Living on Earth producer Liz Lempert examines the habits of the United States’ younger voters, how their influence compares to senior citizens and other voting populations, and how much environmental concerns impact their decisions.