Hilary Clinton

Democratic National Committee Vice Chair Donna Brazile

Smiley: The chattering around Donna Brazile’s new book is ‘much ado about nothing’

Global Politics

Some Democrats feel betrayed by Brazile’s insider account of the election debacle, and some top Clinton staffers wrote an open letter responding to Brazile, saying they are “shocked” to read some of the claims she’s leveled against Hillary Clinton and her campaign.

The entrance of Trump International Hotel

Commentary: Americans should demand reforms that ensure government serves the people


Proposals & Threats, But No Answers for Syria

On second try, Susan Rice added to Obama’s foreign policy team

Global Politics

Politicians, populace, poke fun at, praise EU Nobel Peace Prize

Global Politics

Internet freedom or real-world hypocrisy


The revolution in Tunisia is being hailed as a victory for internet freedoms, but government control is causing real problems.

Women and global economic and political stability

Poverty, racism and the systematic oppression of women contribute to political and economic instability around the world.

Fighting in Pakistan’s Swat Valley

Security and humanitarian conditions in Pakistan’s remote regions where fighting has displaced more than a million people.

Israel and Hamas Agree to Cease-Fire

Earlier today, Israel and Hamas agreed to a cease-fire that took effect at 9 p.m. local time (2 p.m. EST). The deal, brokered by the United States and Egypt, was made after intensive negotiations in Cairo. Both Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Amr made the announcement today after earlier news […]

The Global Struggle for Girls’ Education

Today is the first-ever U.N.  International Day of the Girl, a day dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of educating girls and young women around the world. It’s meant to be a day of hope and celebration, but the brutal attack on against a Pakistani teenage education advocate named  Malala Yousafzi has changed the tenor of […]