Eric Klinenberg

Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko compared to mountains

Just how big is that comet the European Space Agency is going to land on?

Global Scan

Out in space, comets don’t seem that big compared to planets and all. But this chunk of rock and ice would rival the tallest mountains we know. Some have even created photos showing how it would tower over Los Angeles. Meanwhile in Australia, a Pizza Hut makes a major PR gaffe when it decides to throw in a free pet with every large pizza order. And the American-raised son of a terrorist decides to tell his story. All in this edition of the Global Scan.

For the first time, single people make up the majority of the American adult population, up from just 22 percent in 1950.

Singles now outnumber married people in America — and that’s a good thing

The World

Deadly heat waves expected in the midwest
