Dolores Huerta


Looking for something different for your kid this Halloween? Here are 10 costumes inspired by heroic American women.


At a time when some presidential candidates can barely name an important woman from history, these Rad American Women of Halloween are a great way to have fun and educate others.

California writing Filipino Americans into the history books

Global Politics

Filipino-Americans finally ‘making waves’ in politics

Global Politics

Home of César Chávez Now a National Monument

The World

Filipino Americans: Trying to Shed ‘The Invisible Minority’ Label

Conflict & Justice
The World

Dolores Huerta discusses SB 1070 injunction

Conflict & Justice

Dolores Huerta co-founded the United Farm Workers of America alongside Cesar Chavez in 1962. She responds to the injunction which blocks major parts of Arizona’s controversial anti-immigration law.

The World

Arizona passes law to cut ethnic studies programs

Conflict & Justice

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed a bill that will eliminate the Tucson school district’s Mexican-American studies program. District superintendent Tom Horne believes ethnic studies programs teach Latino kids to believe they were oppressed by white people.