Dar es Salaam

A painting of a woman

During social distancing, artists collaborate on ‘Long Distance Art’

Coronavirus Art

Long Distance Art, which launched this week, is an international, multidisciplinary collaborative art series with The Social Distancing Festival. Artists can inquire about collaborating with another artist they’ve seen on the site, or have the creator pair them up with another artist of his choosing. 

President Magufuli stands in front of a podium.

Activists in Tanzania spend the holidays behind bars amid crackdown on free expression

Human rights
Sign at a guesthouse reads "there is space" in Swahili

Tanzania’s stance on homosexuality points to an increasingly repressive political agenda

Ninety five percent of urban Tanzanians use charcoal for cooking fuel, and the trade supports more than a million jobs. But charcoal production is taking a massive toll on the country's forests. After a failed attempt to ban the trade the country is now t

Tanzania is trying to turn the charcoal trade from an enemy to a friend of the forest

Tanzania road traffic (Photo: Jeb Sharp)

Road safety in Tanzania

The World

Mrisho Mpoto

Arts, Culture & Media

Chances are you’ve never heard of the Tanzanian poet and performance artist Mrisho Mpoto. But in his hometown of Dar es Salaam, the 32-year-old Mpoto is a household name. From PRI’s The World.

The World

Geo answer


Today’s Geo Quiz focuses on four cities — La Paz, Bolivia — Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania — New Delhi, India — and Sydney, Australia. The question is which one has the highest gasoline prices. We had reporters check them out. The answer is Dar es Salaam. A gallon of gasoline in the capital of Tanzania costs 5 dollars and 6 cents.