Five Things You Had to See Online This Week

Studio 360

This week in “Thanks, Internet” —emoticons find a new purpose, Deez Nuts runs for prez, a professorbecomes Bowie, publishing houses outwit each other, Eminem loves mom’s spaghetti.

1. Deez Elections Have Officially Gone Nuts

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Just when you thought the 2016 Presidential Elections race couldn’t possibly get more ridiculous, a new presidential candidatewho goes by the name of Deez Nuts is polling at 9% in North Carolina. He’s the most successful independent candidate running for president in two decades. And he’s a 15 year-old boy from Iowa who’s named himself after an internet personality who shouts “deez nuts” in a series of vine videos. Deez Nuts’ official twitterdoes make some good points though.

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2. The Face that Launched a Thousand Emoticons

Emoticons are probably the pinnacle of human expression, and now a painting can speak a thousand emoticons.Eric Andrew Lewis, a web developer at theNew York Times, created a nifty little tool that allows you to transform any image into a kaleidoscope of emoticons: the Emoji Mosaic. Drake is made upof watermelons,babies, donuts, hamburgers, top hats, and the Russian guardsman in the fur hat.

HT, @EmilioKleino

3. Ch-ch-changes in the name of Bowie

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Professor Will Brooker, who teaches Film and CulturalStudies in the U.K., has vowed to spend months at a time dressing, eating, and living like Bowie (within the legal parameters of course) throughout different iconic periods of his career in an attempt to get inside the space oddity’s head. At the moment he is eating onlyred peppers and milk.

4. Publishing’s biggest mock-rivalry

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Harper Perennial and Melville House, two publishing houses, both alike in witticism, have an ongoing, rather charming, Twitter rivalry. Wordsmiths, sharpen your swords.


5. Eminem loves Mom’s Spaghetti

This website, dedicated purely to Eminem’s love of mom’s spaghetti, replaces his lyrics with “mom’s spaghetti.” That is all.


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