Cartoonists worldwide respond to an unprecedented week of Trump drama

The World
Putin holding a Prez dispenser with Trump's head on top of it. Putin clicks it and intelligence chunks come out.

"Breaking news" may be the most uttered phrase this week, and it's only Thursday. Successive reports about a whirlwind of alleged acts by President Donald Trump — both official and unscripted — have Washington and its allies apoplectic.

There was The Washington Post report that Trump casually revealed highly sensitive, classified intelligence information while meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at the White House; that news broke Monday. Then came the confused and contradictory White House responses to the story: first a denial from surrogates, then a tweet from the president confirming that, yes, he did share information with the Russians. Then the "wholly appropriate" chant offered by National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, as a way to defend his boss's, er, sharing.

On Tuesday, The New York Times reported that Trump had asked former FBI Director James Comey to halt a federal investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. By Wednesday, the Justice Department had named a special prosecutor to oversee the FBI investigation into Russian involvement in the US presidential election.

And those are just the highlights.

Cartoonists are sketching around the clock, scurrying to respond to the furor. Here's some of the most powerful commentary we've found from them so far. Stay tuned.

On that minor matter of gabbing about sensitive intelligence with Russian officials:

The joke in these three cartoons is essentially the same: Russia excels in spycraft and intelligence gathering — but with Trump, they don't even have to try. He'll just give it to them. 

A Russian bear lying down, elbows on the floor and hands on his chin listening raptly to Trump as relays sensitive intelligence information.

Cartoon showing Trump boasting and the intelligence he has and then telling it to the Russians.
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On former FBI Director James Comey's habit of taking copious and detailed notes:

Trump denying his shoes are tied together when in fact they are..
President Trump asking James Comey to write a memo justifying the storming of the Capitol

And those unfortunate comparisons to an earlier president:

A cartoon showing a big fat Trump face with his big mouth wide open and Nixon inside
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Plus some ominous thoughts on what might happen next:

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