A large tent stands over the Occupy DC encampment in McPherson Square on January 30, 2012 in Washington, DC. Protesters affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement have been camped at two sites in the city for months.
Occupy DC protesters remain in McPherson Square, a few blocks from the White House, and at Freedom Plaza, despite a ban on camping from the US National Park Service.
The ban went into effect at noon Monday at the two Occupy encampments but protesters vowed to stay, risking arrest.
Since then, the group has taken their case to federal court, hoping to prevent eviction and orders to pull down a large blue tarp in McPherson Square known as the "tent of dreams."
On Monday, protestors erected the giant tent over a statue of Civil War Major General James McPherson, which police say violates long-standing anti-camping rules, according to Reuters.
Occupy DC protesters have been order to remove all signs of camping, including bedding and storage equipment.
US District Judge James Boasberg denied a petition Tuesday that would have allowed the demonstrators to keep camping — at least temporarily.
Occupy DC protesters wrote on their website that they were holding a General Assembly meeting to decide how to proceed and that police "Sgt. Reid indicated that NPS [the National Park Service] will return in the afternoon 'with more details.'”
The group said has gathered over 23,000 signatures supporting their presence in the two parks.
More from GlobalPost: Occupy DC faces camping ban after deadline passes
Demonstrators have been camping out in McPherson Square since the beginning of October and are part of the larger, global Occupy movement which originated in New York City.
More from GlobalPost: Is Occupy Wall Street strapped for cash?
Similar Occupy protests against corporate greed and social inequality have recently been shut down by police in other US cities.