India's Home Minister P. Chidambaram said the authorities are considering Wednesday morning's bomb last a terrorist attack, though he said intelligence agencies have no leads about the identity of the individual or group responsible.
At least 47 people were injured and 10 people have died as a result of the explosion.
The explosion occurred outside gate No.5 of the Delhi High Court, where 100 to 200 people were waiting in line to get passes for entry into the court complex. The nature and magnitude of the blast was not immediately known, but press reports say the authorities believe the explosion to have originated from a briefcase bomb, likely made with ammonium nitrate.
Chidambaram also confirmed that the recently formed National Investigation Agency would take charge of the probe into the incident — making this the first apparent terrorist attack to be investigated in full by the new outfit.
A federal agency mandated with fighting terrorism in India, the NIA is empowered to deal with terror related crimes across states without interference from state governments or local police forces. It was initiated as a move to improve the coordination of India's response to terrorism after the Nov. 26, 2008 terrorist attacks on Mumbai.
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