Texas lawmakers woo gun makers


Following in the footsteps of other Texas lawmakers, Texas Rep. Blake Farenthold plans to send letters to gun makers in the Northeast, urging them to move their businesses to the Lone Star State, away from the persecution of Connecticut's move to restrict assault weapons.

Gawker has the full text of Farenthold's letter. Here are some excerpts:

In Texas, we are committed to protecting our right under the constitution to own and use guns. My fellow Congressmen and I urge you to consider relocating your firearms manufacturing facilities to Texas. We are also committed to being a business friendly state with low taxes and reasonable regulations.

…. We're getting things right in the Texas state, and I'm working hard every day to show my colleagues in Washington how our nation could benefit from following the Texas model. I encourage you to relocate to Texas, where we can provide a business-friendly environment that encourages innovation and understands the right to bear arms. We look forward to calling y'all Texans!

Farenthold isn't the first to put out such a call. On April 12, Texas Gov. Rick Perry invited the Bristol, Conn.-based manufacturer PTR Industries to his state via Twitter:

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Perry told the local Fox News affiliate, "There is still a place where freedom is very much alive and well — freedom from over-taxation, freedom from over-regulation, freedom from over-litigation … and that place is called Texas."

Earlier in April, Perry sent letters to more than 30 out-of-state firearms and accessories makers, singling out states like Colorado where laws to restrict gun ownership had recently been passed.

In fact, the state's Senate gave preliminary approval to a bill in April which would "facilitate the relocation or expansion of businesses that manufacture firearms, ammunition and accessories." Senate Bill 1467 grants state officials the authority to draw money from the Texas Enterprise fund to seek tax exemptions and other incentives for companies which are planning to move or expand.

Rep. Steve Stockman issued an invitation to gun makers on April 5, which said, "Come home to Texas!"

It reads:

Recent draconian gun legislation passed in Colorado, Connecticut and Maryland has made those states unfriendly to law abiding gun owners, weapons manufactures, and weapons parts manufactures. These states have proven they do not value those who obey the law and pump millions of dollars into local economies. This is not the way for government to treat people.

Come to Texas!!! The state which believes the whole Bill of Rights should be followed, not just the “politically correct” parts. Your rights will not be infringed upon here, unlike many current local regimes.

Stockman adds, "Magpul, HiViz, Beretta, and Colt, your businesses are welcomed with open arms in the 36th District of Texas."

The message from Texas is loud and clear: If other states don't want your business, we sure do.

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