American politicians try to ride the same horse, of sorts, while bakers breed their own steed

S Africa cartoon 10-17-13

There comes a moment in every 86-year-old man’s life when it’s time to admit you’re never going to ride that Harley Davidson again. Even if you do live in the Vatican.

The National Catholic Reporter talks about the future of the Pope's bike.  

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India, China, Pakistan and Nigeria top the Slavery Index

From 20 to 30 million people around the world live in slavery. A new index defines slavery as being caught in debt bondage, forced marriage or human trafficking. The BBC reports.

Do you know as much about the US as a recent immigrant? Now you can check

More than 90 percent of the immigrants who take the US citizenship test pass it. See how you do on some sample questions from

Bigfoot Breakthrough

Scientists at Oxford University have new evidence relating to the existence of the yeti in the Himalayas. The Independent reports that Bigfoot may be alive and well and wishing it were back home — in time.

What happens when you cross your breakfast pastries? Calories … lots of calories

The ‘muffnut’ somehow never took off. But PRI's The World discusses how Londoners have adopted the next best American thing — the ‘cronut’.

Police — Gangnam style

South Korea is rolling out a new police squad to help tourists who feel they've been wronged in the capital city, Seoul. And they'll have their own, distinctive look.

These 100 officers with special training and language skills — English, Mandarin and Japanese among them — wear uniforms designed by the same person who designed clothes for Psy. Psy's Gangnam Style song was played at the squad's unveiling, according to the UK's Independent.

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Weather around the world

Australia's summer of fires continues, with lives and property threatened by brush fires near New South Wales. The New South Wales fire chief told the Dominion Post, "This is as bad as it gets." This summer has been one of the worst fire seasons in Australian history.

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