They represent what may be the last great hope for a grand compromise on the budget crisis facing America. Their success or failure could mean either a new tone in Washington or a long fight to the finish of the 2012 elections. The fight also includes everything from raised retirement age and Medicare changes to higher taxes. But who are the Gang of Six? With the help of Todd Zwillich, The Takeaway’s Washington correspondent, we take a closer look at six men in whose hands the fate of a giant policy resolution may rest. Todd described the Gang of Six in brief terms for us. Senator Mark Warner of Virginia – Pro-business Democrat; Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois – the liberal; Sen. Kent Conrad of North Dakota – detail oriented budget wonk; Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma – firebrand spending cuts conservative; Sen. Mike Crapo – anti-tax western conservative; and Sen. Saxby Chambliss – House Speaker John Boehner confidant.