View of Nevis from St. Kitts. (Photo: Nesnad/Wikipedia)
For the Geo Quiz we are looking for an island nation in the Lesser Antilles that looks out on the Caribbean in one direction, and its the Atlantic in the other.
It is a two island nation, but is till the smallest independent nation in the Americans.
It is known for volcanic peaks, fields of sugar cane, as a port of call for cruise ships and monkeys — thousands of African Green monkeys.
The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis in the West Indies is the answer to the Geo Quiz.
The Green monkeys mentioned above were introduced to the islands by Europeans in the 18th century.
Over the years, many have ended up in the zoos and in laboratories where they are used for medical research.
The US Army, for example, uses the monkeys to study responses to nerve gas attacks.
But that is about to change as the Army announced that it is scrapping the practice.
Anchor Marco Werman talks to John Pippin, a physician with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicie, which as urged the Army to end its animal testing.