Jason Strother

Reporter Jason Strother is a freelance multimedia journalist who’s reported from both sides of the Korean peninsula since moving to Seoul in 2006.

Reporter Jason Strother is a freelance multimedia journalist who has reported from both sides of the Korean peninsula since moving to Seoul in 2006.He makes frequent work trips around Asia and has also filed from Brazil. He got his start in the business as a producer at a 24-hour cable news channel in the Bronx, but always wanted the life of a foreign correspondent.  He is also an adjunct professor of journalism at Montclair State University in his home state of New Jersey. 

Climate change could retrigger trauma in Sri Lanka

Climate Change

Sri Lanka’s civil war ended 15 years ago, but for many, the trauma of decades of fighting hasn’t been adequately addressed. And now, climate change poses new risks, and some observers say people who acquired a disability during the conflict are most vulnerable.   

To prepare for college in the US, some South Korean students receive an international education close to home 

A North Korean refugee offers a different view of his home country from the other side of the DMZ

Sea-level rise and storms made stronger by climate change threaten communities across coastal Bangladesh.

‘They forgot about me’: People with disabilities in Bangladesh face increased risk during natural disasters

Climate Change
In this photo provided by the North Korean government, Kim Jong-un speaks in a conference with chief secretaries of the city and county party committees in Pyongyang, North Korea, Saturday, March 6, 2020. 

North Korea to reopen its borders for the coronavirus vaccine

Kim Ju-won (left) and Park Sun-min (right) say same-sex couples are excluded from incentives to start families. 

South Korea’s baby boost for married couples excludes nontraditional families

Lifestyle & Belief

South Korea wants more couples to have babies — but not all families are equal. Same-sex marriage is banned, and there are no laws that protect the LGBTQ community from discrimination. Single mothers also face stigma.

 Baek Jae-wook is a teenager with an autistic spectrum disorder and earned barista certifications from the Jayeondo Cafe in Incheon.

South Korean activists renew call for deinstitutionalizing people with disabilities amid coronavirus

During the coronavirus pandemic, people with disabilities who live in long-term care facilities have become one of the most vulnerable populations worldwide. 

A worker dressed in white protective gear disinfects as a precaution against the coronavirus at a café in Goyang, South Korea, Aug. 25, 2020.  

To quell COVID-19 outbreak, South Korea bans seating at big cafés

Cafés in downtown Seoul are nearly empty during lunch hour as businesses typically filled with office workers dropping in for a cup of their favorite brew go takeout-only because of the pandemic.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, with a white suit and black flat-top hair style, speaks at a conference table.

Typhoon Bavi strikes North Korea amid pandemic lockdown 

Natural disasters

Pyongyang has closed its borders, preventing aid groups from entering the country. Now, the regime’s ability to effectively respond to the disaster could be curtailed due to the absence of such organizations.   

A church with two steeples with green tips in the distance

South Koreans are blaming a controversial church for new COVID-19 outbreak


Health authorities say Sarang Jaeil Church and its outspoken pastor are at the epicenter of South Korea’s second-largest COVID-19 outbreak since the pandemic started. About 3,400 of the church’s members have been tested and about 20% have contracted the coronavirus as of Thursday.