Joe Rubin is a Sacramento-based reporter and producer.
Joe Rubin is a Sacramento-based reporter and producer. His stories have ranged from a hard hitting report he produced for the Center For Investigative Reporting about nuclear power and seismic safety in the United States, to covering the emerging renewable energy sector in Japan. Joe’s work has appeared on PBS Frontline, ABC's Nightline, Al Jazeera and many public radio programs including Marketplace, Morning Edition and The World. Joe is also a multi-media innovator. “iWitness,” a webcam interview series he helped create and host for PBS's Frontline World, won two Webbys.
As the U.S. prepares to return the canal which bears its country’s namesake to Panama, Panamanians are expressing their concerns that the Yankees are also leaving behind the dangerous litter of lethal armaments from their war exercises. Joe Rubin prepared this report.
The rainforests of Central and South America are rich with medicinal plants that are gradually becoming known to modern medicine. Some pharmaceutical companies are prospecting in these regions for beneficial, and profitable, remedies. Now there is growing interest among medical students in the practitioners of centuries old healing techniques. We know them as medicine men […]