Eliza Lambert

The Takeaway
A two-tracked dirt and stone road

Across rural America, energy bust fuels economic uncertainty


The energy sector was a bright spot in middle America, but as oil prices fell, that too has turned dark.

Voters attend a Republican US presidential caucus in Salt Lake City

In largely Mormon communities around the West, religion, environmental awareness, and politics are all intertwined

Global Politics
An animation from Ema Ryan Yamazaki’s documentary

Happy Curiosity Day, Curious George

Kiler Mike

How #BankBlack could help narrow the US wealth gap

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Do presidential candidates have a right to keep their health private?

Election 2016
Louisiana floods — and music

Music is holding Louisiana together in tough times


Songs have been written about Louisiana’s great flood of 1927, and about Katrina. As the state is inundated anew, music plays a role in bringing communities together.Songs have been written about Louisiana’s great flood of 1927, and about Katrina. As the state is inundated anew, music plays a role in bringing communities together.

US first lady Michelle Obama

Politics makes her uncomfortable. But Michelle Obama was political long before Monday night.

Global Politics

When Michelle Obama addressed the opening night of the Democratic convention, she darn near brought down the house. But politics don’t come naturally to the first lady.

Aba Ali, a Nigerian refugee who fled from his village in northeastern Nigeria

50,000 children may die if Nigeria’s food shortage isn’t dealt with — and fast


Boko Haram and other factors are leading to a food crisis in northeastern Nigeria — one that could turn deadly if it doesn’t change soon.

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell on the moon

There’s more than just space travel in the code that powered the Apollo spaceship


The code that powered the Apollo moon missions is now publicly released on GitHub, a site where code can be stored and shared.

Policing the police Newark

Check out this new documentary on New Jersey’s fight to ‘police the police’


In Newark, distrust of the police stretches back decades. Frontline investigates whether successful policing can be done there now without violating people’s rights.