“Coward. Chicken. Yellow-belly.” Those were insults the French used against the gunmen who carried out the Charlie Hebdo attacks in January. Cowardice, in fact, is currently enjoying a bit of global resurgence as a put-down. So much so that Boston University professor Chris Walsh decided it was time to write a book about the subject. The first hurdle? Finding source material.
It wasn’t that long ago that the American beer landscape was a wasteland of watery lagers. But now more than 3,000 breweries and craft brewers like Sean Lewis are churning out world-class beers that influence brewers and beer lovers worldwide.
Since 1991, the Ig Nobel prizes have been awarded, tongue firmly in cheek, to researchers whose work “first makes you laugh, then makes you think.” The theme of this year’s Ig Nobel ceremony? Food. And with that, we have this review of the Ig Nobel Cookbook, Volume I.
Bluegrass covers of pop and rock music abound abound. But none have quite the back story of The Henhouse Prowlers’ version of “Chop My Money,”a cover of a Nigerian hip-hop mega-hit that created a frenzy in the country when the band toured there this summer.