Views on the Arab–Israeli conflict

People are silhouetted against the sun as some smoke surrounds them. One man on the left rolls a tire.

After bloodshed and US embassy protests, Israelis and Palestinians alike wonder what’s next


Israeli forces killed 60 Palestinians on Monday, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry, and injured more than 2,200 by gunfire or tear gas. The violence continued Tuesday as Israeli forces killed one man, while thousands of Palestinians turned out for funerals.

The kids at Project Harmony camp mostly do normal summer activities, like sports tournaments, as a way to get to know each other. Here, children compete in a jumping contest.

There’s nothing like shared terror to bring kids together at summer camp

Lifestyle & Belief

Israel wants to tie peace with Palestinians to reparations for Middle Eastern Jews who fled to Israel

The World

Israel Calling Attention to Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries

Arts, Culture & Media

The ‘Arab spring’ in Israel

Global Politics