
Man with oxygen mask lies face down on a stretcher with a green blanket on top and two people in the distance

COVID downward spiral in Latin America disrupts life-saving services


Brazil’s experience is a cautionary tale of what happens when infections go unchecked and vaccination rates lag, said Marcia Castro, a Brazilian demographer and chair of global health and population at the T.H. Chan School of Public Health.


Around the world, Uruguayan wool is known to be cool

People are seen in front of the Hospital Militar (Military Hospital), where six ex-inmates from Guantanamo Bay are being housed in Montevideo, on December 8, 2014.

Six men leave the ‘black hole’ of Guantanamo for new lives in Uruguay

Global Politics

Uruguayan Percussion from Daniel ‘Tatita’ Marquez

Arts, Culture & Media

Uruguay’s ‘Poor’ President

Global Politics
The World

Uruguay Looks to Legalize Marijuana

Conflict & Justice

In an effort to decriminalize drugs, the government is looking to get into the business of selling pot.

The World

Students in Uruguay achieve stock market success

A group of high school students in Uruguay has been learning a lesson in finance. They have been investing in the stock market. The students have made 14,000 dollars in 18 months. Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with their teacher, John Younger.