
The Asian common toad has lived side by side with other creatures in its native habitat for millennia. But introduced into a new location the mildly poisonous species can wreak havoc on unsuspecting predators. That's why scientists were worried to find th

In Madagascar, invasive toads are threatening rare wildlife and frightening locals


Rumors are flying that a new toad that has shown up in a part of Madagascar can kill people and even cows. It’s not true, but the imported amphibians could mean big trouble for what’s left of the island’s unique plants and animals.Rumors are flying that a new toad that has shown up in a part of Madagascar can kill people and even cows. It’s not true, but the imported amphibians could mean big trouble for what’s left of the island’s unique plants and animals.

Scientists rush to save exotic frogs from spreading disease

The World

Slideshow: Scientists Rush to Rescue Frogs in ‘Amphibian Arks’

The World

The Hapless Toad

Kihansi Spray Toads

The World

Cane Toads

In his latest National Geographic Radio Expedition, NPR’s Alex Chadwick reports on how the South American cane toad got to Australia, and why Australians want it to go away.