Subprime crisis impact timeline

The World

Government considers next moves for Fannie and Freddie

Global Politics

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner convenes a meeting of mortgage analysts and economists today to discuss the future of mortgage financing. Is home ownership still a social good? And how much should the government put on the line to encourage it?

The World

Government’s role in country’s ever-collapsing housing market

Global Politics

Help for those struggling with mortgage crisis

The World

Complaints to Fannie and Freddie’s Overseer Go Ignored

Conflict & Justice

AIG Plans Suit Against Hedge Funds Over Mortgage Securities

The World

Financial crisis commission blames Wall Street

Who or what was responsible for the worst economic crisis since the 1920s? Could it have been prevented? That is what the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission set to find out when they interviewed over 700 people. Today they release their 576 page report.

The World

Federal housing administration struggles as defaults rise

Global Politics

We find out how the Federal Housing Administration is trying to weather the storm created by increased lending. We also get a first-hand look at how the housing crisis is affecting Cleveland, Ohio.

The World

Takeout: more mortgage help on the way

Global Politics

This week, the U.S. Treasury Department will unveil a new $35 billion mortgage relief plan to stabilize the housing market. New York Times reporter Louise Story looks at who the funds will go to and who could reap the benefits.

The World

Expanded bailout plan aims to help out little guys

Global Politics

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced an $800 billion rescue plan that includes a commitment of funds to increase the availability of student loans, auto loans and credit cards. Are small and mid-level banks finally getting a bailout of their own?

The World

Treasury’s plan to lower mortgage rates may help. But who?

Global Politics

The Treasury Department is in talks with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac seeking ways to help drive down mortgage rates. But it is unclear how much the plan might help. Guest: Cristian deRitis, director of Credit Analytics Group at Moody’s