Spanish people

Spain's King Juan Carlos smiles in one of his latest audiences at the Zarzuela Palace outside Madrid, May 27, 2014. Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said on June 2, 2014 that King Juan Carlos will abdicate and Prince Felipe will take over the throne.

Tweet from the Spanish throne — I’m outta here

Global Politics

After four decades in power, Spanish King Juan Carlos has announced he is stepping down and handing the throne to his son, Prince Felipe. The king bucked expectations that he would be a follow-on dictator to Franco and became the father of Spain’s democracy.

Spain's King Juan Carlos smiles in one of his latest audiences at the Zarzuela Palace outside Madrid, May 27, 2014. Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said on June 2, 2014 that King Juan Carlos will abdicate and Prince Felipe will take over the throne.

Tweet from the Spanish throne — I’m outta here

Global Politics

Tourists flock to see botched Jesus painting restoration in Spain

Arts, Culture & Media

Color-blind artist uses sounds to ‘see’ color

Health & Medicine

The Many Historical Twists and Turns of Spanish

The World in Words

Spain’s Serrat & Sabina: A Music Appreciation by Betto Arcos

Arts, Culture & Media

Betto Arcos tells us about two Spanish singers he’s been a fan of for a long time: Joan Manuel Serrat and Joaquin Sabina. Their latest record together is called “La Orquesta del Titanic.”

‘Monkey Boy’ Jesus Fresco Draws Global Attention and Tourists

Arts, Culture & Media

The Spanish town of Borja is coping with the floods of tourists coming to see the monkey Jesus, the church fresco touched-up by an elderly parishioner in August.

Barcelona’s Kitsch Crooners

Arts, Culture & Media

In a working class bar in downtown Barcelona, each Saturday night, a mostly elderly audience gets transported back in time, to the glory days of the copla, and other forms of romantic Spanish popular music.

Remembering Spanish Singer Montserrat Figueras in New Tribute Album

Arts, Culture & Media

Betto Arcos tells us about a new double CD that is a belated tribute to the late Spanish singer Montserrat Figueras.

The World

Color-Blind Artist Neil Harbisson Uses Webcam-Like Eyeborg to ‘Hear’ Color


Color-blind artist, Neil Harbisson, uses sounds to see colors. He’s able to do this using a a high-tech headset designed specifically for him.