Between 1987 and 2005, Gambia had an emergency landing strip available to NASA. In their recent album, the nine-piece band Mdungu pays homage to Gambia’s brief ties with space.
This morning marked the end of the space shuttle era for the nation and the world as the Atlantis landed at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. How will astronauts get to space in a world without the shuttle? They will be hitching a ride with the Russians on the Soyuz space craft. The BBC’s Oleg […]
As the space shuttle Atlantis landed this morning, ending NASA’s shuttle program after 30 years without another method for astronauts to get into space on American-led missions, some are asking if this is a great leap forward for the space agency, or a small step back for manned space travel. That subject fascinates Pat Duggins, […]
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