
The World

TV Opening Titles: Bite-Sized Beauty

Arts, Culture & Media

A lot of the time they go unnoticed, or we simply fast forward through them like advertisements, another obstruction between us and our favorite TV show. But sometimes, when they’re done properly, they are a thing of beauty. They can provide provide skillfully disguised plot indications, and give you valuable character insights, all wrapped up […]

"Homeland" has been working hard to respond to criticism of its portrayal of Muslims.

How a Muslim lawyer and critic of Showtime’s ‘Homeland’ became a consultant for the show


Harrison Ford joins Tom Friedman as climate change correspondents in a new Showtime documentary series


TVs Stay Dark Amid Time Warner, CBS Dispute

Online video streaming company Netflix works to revolutionize television

Arts, Culture & Media

More Reasons to Cancel Cable

As Netflix rolls out original programming like “House of Cards,” it’s taken the spotlight as a competitor to traditional cable networks.   Soon however,   the network will have additional competition from the likes of Amazon and Microsoft’s X-box, as well as other providers.   With a wealth of programming now available online, what’s keeping you from cancelling […]

The World

TV Preview: Summer of Shock

Arts, Culture & Media

If you expected light-hearted fare in the summer TV season, you’re in for a shock. The Takeaway talks to Angel Cohn from the website, Television Without Pity about what to expect on TV this summer season.

The World

Ira Glass

Arts, Culture & Media

Faith talks to fellow public radio host Ira Glass about his upcoming live “This American Life” special, to be broadcast in select movie theaters.