
A man stands outside next to a tent.

Videoblogging shaman walks to Moscow to ‘exorcise’ Putin

Conflict & Justice

Alexander Gabyshev is walking to Moscow in a journey to save Russia from Putin, who he believes will leave the country in ruin.

California community fuses traditional, western medicine to help Hmong immigrants

Health & Medicine
The World

Lia Lee: A Disabled Life that Changed the Face of Western Medicine

Arts, Culture & Media
A Hmong woman performs a ceremony

In California, Hmong shamans work with medical professionals

The World

Doctor Shaman

Drug Company Calls on Traditional Healers

Steve talks with Lisa Conte, president of Shaman Pharmaceuticals. The 3-year-old company hopes to turn traditional healing plants into modern medicines, and return a portion of its profits to the indigenous people who live in the areas in which the plants are found.

Drug Company Calls on Traditional Healers

Steve talks with Lisa Conte, president of Shaman Pharmaceuticals. The 3-year-old company hopes to turn traditional healing plants into modern medicines, and return a portion of its profits to the indigenous people who live in the areas in which the plants are found.

The World


They’ve been used in traditional Asian medicine for thousands of years. Now, mushrooms are gaining popularity as over-the-counter supplements here in the U.S. Kim Motylewski reports on what western science knows about these fungi.

The World


They’ve been used in traditional Asian medicine for thousands of years. Now, mushrooms are gaining popularity as over-the-counter supplements here in the U.S. Kim Motylewski reports on what western science knows about these fungi.