Rocky Mountain Institute

Autos in the News

The Big 3 U.S. automakers unveil a green fleet for the future with some designed hybrids getting up to 80 miles per gallon. They also promise that even sport utility vehicles will run cleaner. Some analysts say it’s the start of a race to build a supercar for the new millennium. Laura Knoy spoke with […]

The World

Living on Earth’s Environmental Pioneers Series #22

The World

Pioneers of Energy Efficiency

From Megawatts to Negawatts

Hydrogen at Home

Hydrogen at Home

Host Steve Curwood talks with Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute in Colorado about the challenges of implementing a hydrogen economy in the United States.

The World

From megawatts to negawatts


Instead of consuming megawatts, the founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute says we need to be producing negawatts. Host Bruce Gellerman talks with Amory Lovins about his energy efficient lifestyle.