

French pension reform is one more way to erode the social safety net, activists say


Many of the demonstrators appeared to be close to retirement. But the crowd was also sprinkled with many young faces, including 25-year-old Nathan Rulens. 

The World

Public pensions: what are a state’s responsibilities?

Conflict & Justice

U.S. workforce grows older as workers postpone retirement

Economist says the American retirement system has failed

Governments raising retirement age, reducing benefits for state employees

Military pension could see radical overhaul

Global Politics

In its plan, the Defense Business Board proposes doing away with the traditional pension program for any members serving 20 years.

Living cheaply as American value

Arts, Culture & Media

Thrift was once a core American value, espoused by people like Benjamin Franklin. What changed?

Retirement: Not just for 65 year olds

The recession is forcing many to make tough decisions and recalculate the age at which they can retire.

Should you save for your children’s college education?

Finance expert Beth Kobliner says people struggling to save money should save for retirement before saving for their children’s college education.

Economic downturn affects older workers

More are deciding to postpone retirement or even return to the workforce — some keep working to stay active; others find it necessary in an uncertain economy.