
Toy Theater

Arts, Culture & Media

Before television and radio, many families used to gather around a 14-inch box set up on a table in their living room. They’d watch melodramas and action epics without electricity in the house. The box was a toy theater, made of cardboard, and it was an immensely popular item 100 years ago. Debra Cash reports […]

The World

How to build a dinosaur

American Puppeteers

American artists practice a little shadow puppet diplomacy in Iran


Mystery Science Theatre 3000 on stage

Arts, Culture & Media

‘Sesame Street’ 40 years old and still counting

Arts, Culture & Media

Separating the Man from the Muppet

Update: According to The New York Times’ Media Decoder blog, the accuser has since recanted his claim. Yesterday, it came to light that Kevin Clash, the Sesame Street muppet captain who’s played Elmo for nearly thirty years,  was accused of having a relationship with a sixteen-year-old. Clash admits to a prior relationship with the accuser, but […]

Giving Thanks for Big Dreams with Kevin Clash and Elmo

Throughout today’s show, The Takeaway will be giving thanks, and looking back at some of our favorite interviews from the past year. Among them is a certain man who usually walks around the world completely unrecognized, despite the fact that he plays one of the most recognizable characters in television history. He was mentored by […]

Kevin Clash Talks About His Life ‘Being Elmo’

He plays one of the most  recognizable characters  in television history. He was mentored by the great Jim Henson. He has more daytime Emmys than most TV actors accrue in a lifetime. And yet, most days, he walks around the world, completely unrecognized by his fans. His name is  Kevin Clash, and he is the subject of a […]