Our extended cut of Kurt’s conversation with Patti Smith, including three things you didn’t know about the rock legend: 1) mother turned her on to poetry; 2) writes detective stories; 3) enthusiastic golfer.
In ‘Dream of Life,’ a new POV documentary airing on PBS, Patti Smith shows sides of herself that the public rarely gets to see. Smith tells us that it’s also an account of how she rebuilt her life after losing several loved ones. From Studio 360.
When Islamic convert Michael Muhammad Knight wrote a novel about Muslim-American punk rockers, The Taqwacores, he thought it was a fantasy. Turns out he was onto something. Soon he was the guest of honor at the first mosh pit in Pakistan. Produced by Nick Heling.
In town hall meetings across the country, high emotions have been getting more attention than health care reform. To understand the habit of yelling, The Takeaway talks to Philip Dalton, Hofstra University professor of speech and communications.
The World’s Marco Werman introduces us to the music of The Kominas. The group’s two members are from Boston, the children of Pakistani immigrants. Their new album is called, “Wild Nights in Guantanamo Bay.”