When the elite aerial team called the Blue Angels formed in 1946, all of its pilots were men. In 2014, the same thing was true. Now history has been made with the addition of Capt. Katie Higgins, the first female pilot to serve with the Navy’s world-famous demonstration squadron.
The United Nations was going to be located in the United States — that much was sure. But just where the new headquarters, the new capital of the world, would be located, was much debated back in the 1940s. A new book looks at that battle.
More than 20,000 women have served in Iraq of Afghanistan, but they haven’t received the same recognition or opportunities for advancement as their male counterparts. But now that the ban has been lifted, hundreds of thousands of front-line jobs will now be open to women.
Unmanned aerial vehicles have become popular tools in America’s wars, but that technology is working its way back stateside. Already, there are a few domestic uses of drones, mostly by law enforcement and the military. But manufacturers have much bigger ideas in mind.
An historian from the Netherlands has garnered a great deal of attention for her stunning combination of historic photographs with the same location in modern day. Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse says she’s always been fascinated by history — and this is an outlet for that.