Problem solving

Messy Desks a Sign of Creativity

We’ve all heard the old quote about messy desks that’s attributed to Albert Einstein: “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” Well, Einstein’s endorsement of the cluttered desk now has the backing of a team of researchers at the University of Minnesota. […]

NYU researcher doubts science can contribute to understanding creativity

Global Politics

Can creativity be measured with a score?

Arts, Culture & Media

Microsoft’s Bill Buxton on risk and innovation


Reviving America’s creativity

Global Politics

What’s good for Detroit

How the collapse of the Big Three automakers might actually turn out to be a good thing for Detroit.

Our brains and New Year’s resolutions


The science behind keeping resolutions — why our brain might actually prevent us from being successful in following through.

The World

Gary Marcus: Defining Creativity


Kurt Andersen talks with Gary Marcus about what science knows, and doesn’t know, about creativity.

Emerging Science Note/Problem-Solving Matters

Living on Earth’s Jennifer Chu reports on a study that finds the difference between men and women is grey and white, at least when it comes to their brains.

The World

Spark: Childhood

Lifestyle & Belief

To celebrate Studio 360’s first decade on air, we present Spark: How Creativity Works, a new book published by HarperCollins and written by the show’s first executive producer, Julie Burstein. Over the years, scores of America’s greatest filmmakers, writers, musicians, and artists have revealed their creative processes and inspiration for listeners. Burstein shares some of […]